Best Facebook Status
- I’m never sure what to do with my eyes when I’m at the dentist. Do I close them? Do I stare at his face? Do I look at the ceiling? What’s the proper etiquette here?
- Does liking a sad status update mean I’m sympathetic for them or I like that they are sad?
- Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don’t have one, it’s probably you.
- When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep — not screaming, like the passengers in his car”.
- What did the ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing they just waved. Did you sea what I did there? I’m shore you did, beach.
- *Opens a pack of gum* Bam! Everyone’s your best friend.
- Nice food pictures people, please keep it to yourself unless you’re planning on taking me along.
- When people are singing Happy Birthday to me, I have no idea where to look.
- I get a sense of pride and achievement when my boss catches me actually doing work.
- Phases of love. 1) xoxo. 2) xxx. 3) ex.
- I’m an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house.
- I remmember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.
- Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.
- I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
- Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
- Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.
- We all have that one skinny friend that eats more than fat person.
- We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity.
- A little boy asked his father, “Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?” Father replied, “I don’t know son, I’m still paying.”
- Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
- If you hurt my best friend, I will make your death look like an accident.
- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don’t realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.
- “Isn’t your pants’ zipper supposed to be in the front?” Hobbes.
- Cheese… milk’s leap toward immortality.
- You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax, tomorrow you’ll be afraid to cough.
- Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I’m halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh man….I could be eating a slow learner.
- He’s so optimistic he’d buy a burial suit with two pairs of pants.
- I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.
- Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning.
- My son is now an entrepreneur.Thats what you are called when you dont have a job.
- A cynic is just a man who found out when he was about ten that there wasn’t any Santa Claus, and he’s still upset.
- The longer the title the less important the job.
- Just remember…if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.
- Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
- I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
- The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
- Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
- We are all either fools or undiscovered geniuses.
- Some people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.
- No, I’m not feeling violent, I’m feeling creative with weapons.You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
- By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s wrong.
- Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
- Some people are like Slinkies … not really good for anything, but you can’t help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.
- Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?
- I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger.
- A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it.
- A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
- Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the “people you may know” feature on Facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose not to be friends with?
- The real reason women live longer than men because they don’t have to live with women.
- Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up.
- I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
- Some people hear voices.. Some see invisible people.. Others have no imagination whatsoever.
- If winning is not everything why do they keep score?
- After (M)onday and (T)uesday even the week says WTF !!
- Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
- Girls are like roads, more the curves, more the dangerous they are.
- Women should not have children after 35. Really… 35 children are enough.
- Lite: the new way to spell “Light,” now with 20% fewer letters!
- I went to see my doctor. “Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror, I feel like throwing up. What’s wrong with me?” He said “I don’t know but your eyesight is perfect.”
- There are no winners in life…only survivors.
- Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
- I love to give homemade gifts. Which one of my kids do you want?
- We are all part of the ultimate statistic – ten out of ten die.
- I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from them.
- Without ME, it’s just AWESO.
- If you don’t buy a ticket, you can’t win the raffle.
- It is better to be careful beforehand than to try to solve a problem after it has arisen.
- If you keep your mouth shut, you won’t put your foot in it.
- Do as I saw, and not as I do.
- A contract is fair as long as both the parties understand and agree to the conditions willingly, after a deal is closed neither side can turn around and say that he was unfairly treated.
- People tend to repeat mistakes made by others over the generations, not learning from them.
- No man is so useful to others that people cannot do without him.
- Learn to walk before you run.
- However tempted you may be to retaliate, try not to because revenge is a negative pursuit.
- Learn as much as you can from life.
- It is better to teach people how to be independent by teaching them how to do things for themselves than to do everything for them.
- Live within your income, don’t be too ambitious in your plans.
- The way you dress tells people something about you, and can influence their opinion of you.
- Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss.
- Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.
- Unhappy people seem to like to make others unhappy too.
- Take care of the details and the bigger issues will be solved.
- No two persons are alike, every one has his own preferences, likes and dislikes.
- You need not be long-winded when speaking to intelligent people or those who understand you well.
- Do not ride the high horse.
- Crimes and wickedness are associated with money.
- Unpleasant events can sometimes lead to better things.
- Do not change things that are working fine as they are.
- Hope is the last thing that we lose.
- If you persevere at something, you will gradually accomplish it.
- Do what you advise others to do.
- A bad experience or a horrifying incident may scar one’s attitude or thinking for a lifetime.
- Little enemies and little wounds must not be despised.
- It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
- When there is no news, it is likely that everything is all right.
- Chance favors the prepared mind.
- Kindness begets kindness.
- The more you learn, the greater influence you have over others.
- Hope is life.
- Do not rush into things before you are ready.
- Poverty is no crime.
- Discord breaks up families.
- A good reputation is precious, difficult to earn and cannot be bought.
- Those without knowledge should not try to teach the ignorant.
- Better to be alone than in bad company.
- Do not cross a bridge till you come to it.
- You can pretend to be rich, famous etc. by dressing the part.
- Items of good quality may be expensive, but they will last you a long time.
- Hard words break no bones.
- He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.
- Every bird loves to listen to himself sing.
- A hint or suggestion can be accepted and acted upon without further elaboration.
- It is only normal for man to make mistakes and do wrong, but for one to forgive another for his wrong is indeed great and gracious act.
- What has been said cannot be taken back, so think before you speak.
- Fix a problem as soon as you discover it to save money, expense, worry, etc having to deal with it later when it has become a bigger problem.
- A friend to all is a friend to none.
- He who lives too fast, goes to his grave too soon.
- Everything has to have a small beginning.
- Grasp all, lose all.
- Inner beauty is more valuable than outer beauty.
- Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
- People have different tastes, preferences, perceptions of the same thing.
- Notable or important people are often concerned about losing their positions.
- A word to the wise is enough.
- If something said about you is true, you should accept it.
- Children should not interrupt when adults are talking.
- Goodness is better than beauty.
- Both parties in a quarrel should share the blame or take responsibility for it, no one can start a quarrel all by himself.
- Love motivates people to look for solutions to all problems.
- He who stands for nothing will fall for everything.
- The passing of time helps us to forget things that have caused us pain or made us unhappy.
- Do not be presumptuous and teach an experienced person how things should be done.
- Seize a good opportunity as quickly as possible.
- Don’t shut the barn door after the horse is gone.
- When you are free of a problem or far away from troublesome people, you begin to feel that things were not so bad after all.
- If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
- A person who can do almost everything rarely excels in any of them.
- Worrying is a negative activity that can age you prematurely.
- Something that one already has is better than something that one may not be able to get.
- You should be willing to give in partly to others if you want them to give in partly to you.
- You will soon forget friends you do not meet or keep in contact with.
- A pot of milk is ruined by a drop of poison.
- Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.
- Bread always falls buttered-side down.
- Before you begin to hope about possessing something, make sure you are qualified for it.
- If we decide to do something, we should commit ourselves to it boldly and completely.
- Forgive and forget.
- It is difficult to change a long-time habit.
- People who have been through something are usually able to help others with the same problem.
- Misery loves company.
- Working hard will bring you riches and success.
- A small incident can reveal an important event.
- Every picture tells a story.
- A person who has a fault should not point out the same fault in another, do not criticize another person as you may have the same weakness.
- It is impossible to change someone’s ways or habits, especially if he is old and resists change.
- People like to hear good things said about them although they may not be the truth.
- You must accept the consequences of your act.
- People tend to lose respect for people they are close to or in close company with all the time.
- One success doesn’t guarantee complete success.
- He is rich who owes nothing.
- It is believed that if one practices a certain skill often, he will excel in it.
- Bitter pills may have blessed effects.
- We are apt to grow to dislike friends who visit us too often.
- Always be aware of what you are getting yourself into.
- An extremely proud person runs the risk of being humbled in front of everyone.
- Something that one already has is better than going after something seemingly more worthwhile that one may not be able to get.
- Avoid evil and it will avoid thee.
- When you are really hungry, everything tastes good, and you eat up everything placed in front of you.
- People who know they are good at something tend to boast about their ability.
- If you were born to be shot, you’ll never be hanged.
- Everyone has a common beginning, and therefore, no one is above another.
- If we associate with bad companions we, too, will become bad.
- Do something as you have seen it done although it may be different from your own way of doing it.
- Intelligence is more valuable than physical strength.
- The best things are hard to come by.
- When a person starts being successful, he is likely to continue being successful.
- Flattery brings friends, truth enemies.
- One good turn deserves another.
- Faith will move mountains.
- The success of a group or team depends on the full commitment of every member.
- What is a disadvantage to one person can be an advantage to another.
- Every flow must have its ebb.
- If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
- Miracles will happen when you believe that they will.
- Don’t make things difficult for yourself, always find the simplest means of achieving your objective.
- When one is in a new place, country or situation he must adapt himself to the new manners and customs.
- It is best to be on the safe side.
- Stay out of trouble, and trouble will not follow you.
- He knows most who speaks last.
- You need to eat for energy to complete your tasks.
- To delay doing your work only wastes your time.
- Never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.
- You do not need to have too many friends or read too many books in order to live a balanced, fulfilled and complete life as long as the friends and books you do have are full of substance.
- Give and take is fair play.
- Do not be so foolish as to destroy the source of your good fortune out of pride, greed, anger etc.
- Clothes make the man.
- Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
- Do not make borrowing a habit as you will suffer for it in the end.
- The one who waits to listen to what others have to say before speaking has a better understanding of a situation.
- Anyone has the right to look at or speak to anyone else without having to worry about status, position, upbringing etc.
- Being honest is believed to be the best route to take.
- Fear is often a stronger emotion or motivation than even love.
- A lot of people tend to hurt their own chance at success because of negative-mindedness, fear, ignorance, unresolved issues.
- Some items may save you money because they are cheap, but their quality may be poor, and this may cost you a lot of money in repairs and getting replacements later.
- You pays your money and you takes your chances.
- It is better to show by example than to advise, order or tell people to be upright.
- If you buy quality, you only cry once.
- A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
- Quality comes with effort.
- Do the more urgent and important things first.
- Never give up.
- First things first.
- Time is precious, once it is past no one can go back and claim it thus everyone should be mindful of how his time is spent.
- Most men love to eat so feed your husband well and he will always love you.
- A person newly appointed is always eager and enthusiastic in his work.
- Giving is more blessed than receiving.
- Do not be arrogant.
- Every ass loves to hear himself bray.
- Death is the destiny of every man.
- Consider your options carefully in order to make a good decision.
- Taking action is far better than just talking about problems or negative situations.
- When something comes our way we should consider how it might be useful or benefit us.
- Real love does not take into account the flaws of a person.
- Happy wife, happy life.
- Use the right incentives to motivate people to do something.
- Patience is a virtue.
- Everyone has to carry his burden or responsibilities in life.
- A cat may look at a king.
- When people are dissatisfied or angry, they sometimes react by doing foolish things that prove harmful to themselves.
- Some people always take advantage of favor that is shown them.
- In life there are some things once done or decisions once made cannot be changed, malicious words once uttered or harmful actions once done cannot be taken back.
- A careless or unskilled worker blames bad work on his tools rather than himself.
- You should be alert to people trying to get the better of you.
- The first in line will be attended to first.
- Test how things stand.
- Something bad no matter how small can ruin all your plans, successes etc.
- Everyone loves to see people in love.
- Do not judge others as you are not perfect yourself, so be merciful in the hope that others will show you mercy one day.
- If we want a person’s friendship we must accept him totally, faults and all.
- A man is ruled by his passions.
- Self trust is the first secret of success.
- Old habits die hard.
- People sometimes hear only what they want to hear.
- If you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his ideas, plans or way of doing things, the best thing is to change your ideas, plans, etc.
- First think, and then speak.
- Fear of death is worse than death itself.
- The same misfortune will probably not occur again in the same place or to the same people.
- Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
- Some pleasures will lead you to danger.
- One who has nothing to do will be tempted to do many mischievous acts.
- An ignorant person usually raises no questions because he is not aware that problems exist.
- It is better to be healthy than rich, as without a healthy body you can do nothing, and cannot enjoy your wealth.
- Fretting cares make grey hairs.
- Conceited people love to boast about their achievements.
- Children usually learn more from the examples set by their elders than from what they are told, a person’s character is judged by the thing she does and not by what he says, actions give evidence or proof of.
- All for one and one for all
- Every man has his price.
- Do not have too many irons in the fire.
- Cheap goods are usually not the best in terms of quality.
- A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
- If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
- Something may be unpleasant or painful, but it can help you in the long run.
- A person who owes no one a debt is free of worry, and therefore, rich, in a sense.
- Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
- A person’s age is immaterial, it is only when he thinks and feels that he is ageing that he actually becomes old.
- Be optimistic.
- When things go wrong in an organization, people tend to abandon it.
- Brain is better than brawn.
- Wise people will normally think and behave alike in certain situations.
- Never give advice unless asked.
- You need different plans or strategies in managing different people as people are different in personality and temperament.
- A smooth and persuasive talker may be a good liar.
- You feel most secure, free and in control in your own home.
- You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- All good things come to an end.
- Do not acquire more than what you need.
- Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
- Always leave room for change.
- Do not assume that people need your help or that you have all the answers to help them, it is better to wait until you are asked for help.
- Your character, personality, attitude etc can be overtaken by your emotions if they are strong enough.
- When someone copies what you do, it means they really admire you or the way you do things.
- If you are too greedy and try to grab everything you see, you might lose that and everything you have too.
- Lack of preparation will cause you to lose or fail.
- It is more honorable to do the right thing even if you will be punished or have to die for it than to live as a coward or a liar.
- There is more than one way of getting a job done.
- The troubles seem to go on and on without end.
- There is no upper limit to something.
- Things that are done in a hurry are usually done sloppily, and may contain careless mistakes.
- We cannot be cheerful when we have financial problems.
- It is not what a thing is called that matters, but what it is.
- Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.
- Fire, like any other manmade tool or device, will serve man well only when it is controlled and used wisely.
- He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.
- What has happened once is liable to happen again.
- A bad situation you have been complaining about will suddenly seem a blessing when something worse happens.
- Be positive in life.
- Talk may be beneficial, but sometimes acquiescence may be the best option to take.
- There are always two ways of looking at something.
- Example is better than precept.
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
- If you are away for too long, people may forget you.
- All’s fair in love and war.
- Knowing only a little about something can cause you to distort the truth or overestimate, misunderstand something.
- We sometimes must trust in luck when buying something.
- It is always better to get the view of another than to rely entirely on one’s own judgment.
- The less we say about it the sooner the incident will be forgotten.
- Never say never.
- By taking immediate action we can prevent a fault, damage or trouble from getting worse.
- Avoid being negative.
- There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.
- It is easy to wish for things, but wishes do not often come true.
- If you have a happy or good life partner, you will be happy and contented.
- When you set out to look for the truth with all your heart, you will find it.
- Look on the sunny side of life.
- It takes two individuals to do certain things.
- The best fish swim near the bottom.
- No man can serve two masters.
- Familiarity breeds contempt.
- Business before pleasure.
- Hope is something that never dies, and people should never lose hope.
- Too many people doing the same thing at the same time will not be successful.
- Ignorance of the law excuses no man.
- All things come to him who waits.
- Seize an opportunity when it occurs for it may never happen again.
- Once a mistake has been made or an error committed, it’s too late to take precautions to prevent it from happening.
- Never lose hope, but be prepared with an alternative if things do not go as planned.
- Being cheerful is good for your total well-being.
- Bad is never good until worse happens.
- What you wish for may not really be what is good for you.
- No matter where you are, home is where you feel most comfortable and content.
- An act done repeatedly and often enough will sooner or later become a habit or second nature.
- A person’s first obligation should be to help the member of his own family before he can begin thinking of talking about helping others.
- A person who does his best is the one who will get the greatest satisfaction in the end.
- Don’t mend what isn’t broken.
- Do not make plans based on something that has not happened.
- People, who never admit they might be wrong, refuse to listen to the opinions or ideas of anyone.
- A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend.
- The person who pays for something has the right to do as he wants.
- A loaded wagon makes no noise
- Little things please little minds.
- Even when things seem at their very worst, they may shortly improve.
- If you are rich and successful, you will attract many friends, but if you should suffer hardship or have misfortune, your friends will quickly depart.
- Do not rely on others to complete your work for you.
- If you say discretion is the better part of valor, you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do.
- If someone loses something, he weeps, but if someone finds it, he keeps it.
- It is never too late to say you are sorry, and to change your ways.
- Keep track of what your enemies are up to for your own protection.
- A nod is as good as a wink.
- Never speak ill of the dead
- People can learn from their failures and mistakes.
- Events, especially misfortunes, always come together and not one at a time.
- As soon as a man is born, he begins to die.
- People who are very rich do not feel the need to speak about their wealthy as they do not feel threatened in any way.
- A closed mouth catches no flies.
- God only helps those people who work hard and make an honest effort.
- Nothing on earth is perfect.
- Little boys should be seen and not heard.
- Don’t go near the water until you learn how to swim.
- It’s better to have or receive less than one desires than to have or receive nothing at all.
- If we could get all the things we wanted just by making a wish, everyone would have all he ever wanted.
- Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
- Every man is his own worst enemy.
- To progress at anything, you first need to get started.
- It is difficult advising people on matters they are supposed to be experts on because they believe they know better.
- You become wiser as you gain more experience in life.
- Hope for the best, expect the worst.
- To succeed in life one must have the courage to pursue what he wants.
- Garbage in, garbage out.
- Do not be deceived by things or offers that appear to be attractive.
- Haste makes waste.
- If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly.
- Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
- One should consider forgiving one’s and forget all the bad deeds done by others.
- You will get what you want if you are willing to wait for it patiently.
- If the information or input you provide is wrong, the end result will also be below par or flawed.
- Ask no questions and hear no lies.
- The more you hurry, the slower you seem to progress because hurrying causes you to make mistakes.
- No one is perfect.
- Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
- Failure teaches success.
- Knowledge is power.
- If one does things hastily he will make a lot of mistakes, he will need to spend a lot of time correcting those mistakes later.
- People who talk too much may give away important secrets that could harm themselves or others.
- A person who never settles in one place or who often changes his job, will not succeed in life, one who is always changing his mind will never get anything done.
- You should not expect everyone to think and act as you do.
- However much you may earn or make as a criminal, a life of crime does not pay because the law will catch up with you eventually.
- A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never.
- Do not try to do something before you have learnt how to do it or before you are ready for it.
- Something that can appear to be small and of no particular importance can turn out to be the beginning of a major problem.
- One man’s loss is another man’s gain.
- You can only win or succeed if you are willing to take risks.
- Appearances are deceptive.
- Sometimes, a situation is so urgent or unexpected that you have to resort to doing things you normally would not.
- He that is master of himself, will soon be master of masters.
- Of two possibilities, it often seems that the more negative one will occur.
- You qualify to judge someone only if you yourself are faultless.
- After a storm, comes a calm.
- People of the same sort of character or belief always go together.
- Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
- Even a simple home is the best place in the world for the people who live in it.
- If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
- Do not talk badly about the departed
- The best way to learn a job is to do it.
- No matter how good or bad a person, he must still face the everyday problems that confront us all.
- He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.
- Do not let people bully you, but be alert to when you are being taken advantage of.
- Foolish people tend to act too hastily and do things that wise people would avoid.
- Avoid acting hastily, without considering the possible consequences.
- Do things at your own pace and ability, and you will succeed in time.
- A word spoken is past recalling.
- Do not create more trouble for yourself when you are already facing some.
- Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl.
- Real life can be more incredible than anything which can be imagined.
- Any great plan or big dream cannot be achieved overnight or easily.
- Behind every successful man is a woman.
- Measure twice, cut once.
- Every man has his faults.
- The problems you are facing at present may not be as bad as those in the place you are planning to move to.
- Products of good quality do not need a lot of advertising, as their quality alone shows their worth.
- Ignore insults as they cannot physically harm you, and will only harm you emotionally if you let them.
- To choose between two equally bad alternatives is a serious dilemma.
- A desperate person will do anything to save himself.
- Saying something is true when it is not just because you would like to believe it is so does not change the facts.
- Death, which comes to everyone without discrimination, makes everyone equal.
- It is wise to reconsider your plans, ideas, actions in the light of new information rather than to blindly stick to an earlier decision.
- He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail.
- It is better to be by yourself than to be with people who are a bad influence.
- Respect people’s privacy and their territory.
- You can tell about a person by observing who he spends time with.
- Nothing comes free.
- He who hesitates is lost.
- Contentment of mind is the cause of lasting happiness.
- A coward is afraid of everything, and therefore, faces every problem or challenge with great fear.
- Your troubles seem half as great when you discuss them with someone else.
- Get on with your own affairs and let other get on with theirs.
- A light purse makes a heavy heart.
- Live and let live.
- If we’re careful and waste nothing we’ll never go without things we need.
- Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
- A person who spends his money foolishly will soon be penniless.
- To work hard and long on a project that turns out to be pretty useless.
- To be clean and tidy is just as important as being spiritually good and religious.
- When an event is not decided on or planned earlier it will never take place.
- Cheapest is dearest.
- He who likes borrowing dislikes paying.
- Just talking about something is not going to get the job done.
- A good beginning makes a good ending.
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet
- It is pointless to feel remorseful over a thing lost that can never be found or a mistake done that can never be corrected or rectified.
- Small problems are worth the time to fix as they can eventually cause great damage.
- Opportunity seldom knocks twice.
- Never stop trying to succeed at something.
- One usually desires another more when he or she is far away.
- You must be ready to make sacrifices to get what you want badly.
- It is better not to say anything than to say something that might get you into trouble.
- Good fences make good neighbors.
- Do not go looking for trouble.
- Love is the important thing in life that makes life meaningful.
- Always complete a job as perfectly as you can.
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
- Bad news travels fast.
- One is never too old to learn.
- Hope springs eternal.
- Rumors do not spread unless there is some element of truth in them.
- Better to die with honor than live with shame.
- Love sees no faults.
- When you own up to a fault, mistake or wrongdoing, you are halfway to changing into a better person.
- Health is better than wealth.
- Those people who talk a lot and are always teaching others usually do not do much work.
- Every event, no matter how enjoyable, must end at some point.
- People sometimes bark but in time we learn they’re not always as frightening as they seem.
- You cannot change the facts of a case.
- Politeness should be a way of life for everyone.
- Someone in need should be grateful for what is given to him, even if it’s not what he wants or expects.
- Do not be deceived by appearances.
- Mirrors do everything we do, but they cannot think for themselves.
- Don’t prepare for emergencies and eventualities before they happen.
- Every family has their secrets.
- Even a dog can distinguish between being stumbled over and being kicked.
- First deserve, then desire.
- If you’re in a hole, stop digging.
- You cannot change a person’s real character.
- No man is content with his lot.
- If you offer someone enough money, he will be willing to do anything for you.
- He who dares, wins.
- Looks are not the most important thing about a person.
- In competitive situations where each person has his own interests at heart, it is usually the strong and the determined who succeed.
- The written word is more to be feared than physical violence.
- The darkest hour is that before dawn.
- If we allow someone to continue in his bad ways he’ll eventually bring about his own downfall or ruin.
- What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to others.
- No pain, no gain.
- A good name is better than riches.
- Doctors make the worst patients.
- It takes two to tango.
- Life has its ups and downs, neither good fortune nor ill fortune lasts forever.
- Every man must carry his own cross.
- When law enforcers are not present, certain public members will take the opportunity to break the law.
- A person’s nature cannot change.
- Do not rush into marriage because if you marry the wrong person, you will spend the rest of your life regretting it.
- Curses you place on others may find their fulfilment in you, so it is best not to curse anyone.
- April showers bring May flowers.
- If you do not take the risk, you cannot expect success.
- You need to believe in your abilities first of all in order to succeed in life.
- A person who does not get what he wants or needs is a frustrated person and will be easily provoked to rage.
- It is wise to take precautions rather than be upset that you did not prepare for an eventuality after something has happened.
- To have something, no matter how little or poor in quality, is better than to have nothing at all.
- Brevity is the soul of wit.
- One will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of his earlier actions or inactions.
- Life is full of happiness and pleasure.
- No man is indispensable.
- Fear is stronger than love.
- Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree.
- To live is to always be hopeful.
- There is no age limit to acquiring knowledge.
- You will lose opportunities if you are indecisive and not fast enough to grab them.
- If you do not allow yourself to rest once in a while when you lead a fast-paced life, you will suffer from stress, burnt out and illness.
- Fine feathers make fine birds.
- Unfortunately, everything in life has a price attached to it.
- Better be safe than sorry.
- It is never too late to correct one’s mistakes or faults.
- A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
- History repeats itself.
- If a person does something to harm or offend us, that’s wrong. If we do something to harm them back, that’s wrong too.
- A person with no principles or opinions of his own will tend to go along with anything anyone tells him, and can, therefore, be easily cheated.
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- A good leader rarely makes mistakes.
- When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it.
- Self-discipline will help you achieve greatness.
- Books and friends should be few but good.
- People seem to hear bad news very fast.
- One should preferably avoid discussing issues that are likely to create trouble.
- Experience is the mother of wisdom.
- Every problem eventually comes to an end, so cheer up.
- Man cannot live by bread alone.
- An empty bag will not stand upright.
- It is better to finish your work before you have a good time.
- When a person is in great need of something, he will find a way of getting it.
- Not knowing what you did was wrong does not excuse you from suffering the penalty.
- Man was created for a divine purpose and he has a destiny with his Creator, he was not born just to enjoy food.
- Do not worry about something before it has happened.
- Money isn’t everything.
- Every situation has an explanation.
- One should not risk everything he has in a single venture.
- Even the best of us are liable to make mistakes.
- Fine words butter no parsnips.
- If you cannot handle something, give it up.
- Be discreet in all you do, do not tell others your deeds, especially your good deeds.
- A person who makes himself close to everyone probably cannot be trusted by any one.
- He who serves two masters must lie to one.
- He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes.
- Childish people are thrilled by childish, petty things.
- Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
- You feel safest, most comfortable and most at peace in your own home.
- Appreciate someone for the good work he has done.
- When you are kind to people, they will be kind to you in return.
- A man’s strongest and most loyal supporters are usually his mother and/or his wife.
- Do not be afraid to fall in love.
- If you keep company with or work for dangerous or evil people, you will need to be very careful.
- Be just and fair minded, even to the one who does not deserve much or who is unfriendly or unfair, we should punish a person according to his wrongdoings.
- Always be ready to show kindness to people who have been kind to you.
- If the shoe fits, wear it.
- When someone is in a happy, cheerful mood, people like being with him.
- People will be punished for the wrongs committed by their parents, forefathers, or those who have preceded them.
- Give him an inch and he’ll want a yard.
- The pen is mightier than the sword.
- A method of ruling or managing people where you separate them into different groups to make sure they do not join forces against you.
- It is easier to find fault in other people’s actions or methods than to do it properly or correctly.
- There are always two sides to an argument and two perspectives to consider.
- One who is usually silent and goes about his business quietly may be a very wise person.
- Hunger is the best spice.
- Love motivates people to make things work.
- We can help, show or encourage someone to do something but we can’t make him do what he is unwilling or unable to do.
- If you want a thing done right, do it yourself.
- What looks good may not really be so.
- Ignorance is bliss.
- To do something that is right, profitable, or good a little late is still better than not doing it at all.
- Now is the best time to do something.
- Do not delay doing tasks and assignments.
- Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.
- All the world loves a lover.
- Think about what you are going to say before you speak.
- A man’s home is his castle.
- Everyone gets at least one good opportunity in his lifetime.
- As soon as a happily married couple begin having financial problems and the bills pile up their love will disappear.
- It’s better to give than to receive.
- No one is ever wrong all the time.
- A small leak will sink a great ship.
- Nothing succeeds like success.
- Give credit where credit is due.
- It takes more than food to complete your life.
- Where powerful emotions are concerned, there can be no firm rules of behavior.
- Man-made devices have their limits, and cannot do everything humans can.
- No time like the present.
- Everyone wants to enjoy success, but few are willing to work hard or take the risks involved in achieving it.
- Everyone will get a period of success or satisfaction during his lifetime.
- You cannot escape your fate.
- Love makes the world go round.
- When you do something you should do it as well as you can.
- No rose is without a thorn.
- Variety is the spice of life.
- Play safe, and be prepared for the worst to happen.
- When you know a person better, you will realize that he is not all he seems to be.
- There are none so blind as those that will not see.
- Laughter is the best medicine.
- Continuous effort will help you achieve your greatest dreams and ambitions.
- Something that starts off right will probably succeed all the way and end on the right note.
- Do not force a person into telling you a lie by forcing him to talk about something he does not want to talk about.
- If you do evil, do not expect good to come to you.
- See which way the wind is blowing.
- Seize opportunities.
- One must take risks in order to succeed at anything.
- It takes a long time to build up a good reputation which can be easily destroyed by misconduct.
- You only realize the importance of something when it is gone.
- All’s well that ends well.
- Beauty is only skin-deep.
- It is bad to compare people to one another.
- Money cannot buy happiness.
- A child who is not punished and showed the error of his ways will become unruly.
- If a person has been tricked once he will be more careful and alert the next time.
- Everyone needs the companionship of others.
- All difficult jobs or situations also have an end.
- We should not waste time on trivial aspects of a matter and neglect the essential matter itself.
- By timely mending save much spending.
- Laughter is the best way to break the ice between strangers or enemies.
- You can be happy when you do not know there are problems around you.
- Life becomes very monotonous without some break or change in the daily routine.
- Long absent, soon forgotten.
- Family ties are stronger than any other.
- Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
- You must be ready to grab an opportunity when it comes your way.
- It’s pointless to get upset or feel regret about a loss or mistake that can’t be undone.
- People who are able to overcome life’s troubles quickly or do things quickly have the advantage over others.
- Many people sharing a job or tasks make easier work of it.
- One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
- In politics, people who have always been opponents often work together at different times for their own interests.
- There is no place like home.
- Do not make a big fuss or issue over something minor or small.
- Procrastination is the thief of time.
- Facts are stubborn things.
- Love will find a way.
- Those who make loud threats seldom carry them out.
- A capable person, even if he is slow or not well qualified, is more valuable than an inefficient person who may be highly qualified.
- When you want to sound clever, it is better to be brief rather than long-winded.
- Face problems together in unity, and not alone or in a spirit of enmity.
- A happy ending to a difficult situation can help you forget or disregard the earlier trouble.
- Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
- People tend to ignore or overlook the help or advice they need the most.
- Fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.
- People are by nature hopeful, and must always be so because when we lose hope, we lose the will to live.
- You should always be prepared to act so that when opportunities present themselves, you are ready to seize them.
- Fear is often a crippling emotion because it is so powerful.
- Put a beggar on horseback, and he will ride to the devil.
- An army marches on its stomach.
- Little by little and bit by bit.
- Keep quiet, and you will say nothing wrong.
- Advice most needed is least heeded.
- A constant guest is never welcome.
- Scratch something and you’ll find a something.
- It is better to be careful and discrete than to be clever.
- Most promises cannot be kept.
- Live and learn.
- If we attempt to do too much at once, we shall not do anything properly.\
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