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Showing posts with the label Love Quotes

Love Quotes for People

Love Whatsapp Quotes Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you. There is No Scale To Measure the love.. When the angels ask what I most loved about life, I'll say you. Never trust your heart because it's on the right side. Love isn't complicated, people are. Your cute smile is all I need to battle all struggles in my life. There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you - I Love You. I want to run away with you. Where there is only you and me. Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favourite. Dear crush!! You'ved crushed me <3 I want vitamin "U" If you are not interested then don't cheat him.. Better leave him.. He loves death, she loves life, he lives for her, she dies for him... You left me? Fine! But don't love somebody else in front of me. You are the only clock thats ticking in my heart..!! Late night conversations with our loved ones..!! <3 It's not about her lo