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Best Whatsapp Status in One Line

 Best Whatsapp Status in One Line Everything is okay in the #END , if it's not ok, then it's not #THE END. A #Champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't. Take a #deep breath and start again. Do or #Die......There is no try. If you don't make #mistakes, you aren't really trying or aren't trying hard enough. I’m not failed…my #success is just postponed for some time. If you can’t #Beat them, arrange to have them beaten. I come up with the #best ideas when sitting on the toilet then forget them after the flush. When in doubt, just take the #next small step. Every great #achievement was once considered impossible. The only time #success comes before work is in the dictionary. If you are player then I’m the GAME. Trust me you will dance- #Alcohol The strongest emotion of all is #LOVE, that's why it hurts us most. Rules are made to be break. 80% boys have a girlfriend and rest have a brain.. "Always Think twice, speak once"...